Repsol employees acquire 106,083 company shares within the incentive plan

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Repsol has reported that a total of 500 employees of the company have acquired 106,083 sharesrepresentative of a 0.087% of share capital as part of the fourteenth cycle of the company's share delivery plan for the beneficiaries of the long-term incentive programs of the Group 2020-2023. Based on the information sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), the company has detailed that these securities were acquired this Thursday, May 16, from a price of 14.6559 euros per shareuntil adding a total of 1,554 million euros. Likewise, the total number of shares received as payment of the Long Term Incentive Program 2020-2023 allocated by the participants to the plan has stood at 152,294, with an acquisition price of 13.6800 euros per title. This plan allows the beneficiaries of said programs (among whom are the CEO and members of the Executive Committee) invest in Repsol shares, up to 50% of the gross amount of the long-term incentive received in the year. In the event that the beneficiary maintains the shares – intended for investment for a period of three years from the initial investment («consolidation period») and the rest of the conditions of the plan are met, the oil company will will deliver an additional share («additional actions») for every three initially allocated. This year, as a novelty, the company has explained that the beneficiaries of the plan will be able allocate the shares received as settlement of the 2020-2023 Long-Term Incentive Program to investment. For those beneficiaries who are members of the Executive Committee An additional performance requirement is established for the delivery of the Additional Shares, consisting of achieving a level of overall achievement of the objectives established for the annual variable remuneration of the CEO corresponding to the year closed immediately preceding the date of final delivery of the Shares. Additional Actions, equal to or greater than 75%. «During the month of May, the process of voluntary adhesion of the beneficiaries to the Fourteenth Cycle of the Plan was carried out, culminating with the initial acquisition of shares on May 16. This cycle will end on the date of delivery of the Additional Shares to its participants during the month of May 2027«, Repsol concluded.