Until the end of the seventies, women in Spain could not open a bank account in their name without the permission of their husband, father or guardian. «For something our mothers and grandmothers passed the pionone recipe and not how to invest in the stock market,» criticizes Laura Visco (Buenos Aires, 45 years old). For her, «there is nothing more feminist than making money» and, once you have it, make it circulate in another way. «My purpose is simple, but firm: I will not stop until we handle the big box of the world,» he sentenced in the Instagram publication with which he announced last May the birth of a friend! Let's talk about silver, the platform that Visco has created to normalize conversations about money between women. «The objective is not to make peace with capitalism, but to offer women a survival manual that allows them to claim what corresponds to them,» he warns on their website. Let's talk about silver, it is the form of free newsletter – each weeks -, and this year it will also materialize as a book. In fact, he was writing him as Visco occurred to the idea of turning him into something more participatory. “I was not very useful with all that information, I needed to share it so that other women can achieve financial freedom that they want and position themselves in a more comfortable place in the system, which often lives from the exhaustion of women, that We have no time at all, ”he explains on the phone to El País. In less than a week, I had more than a thousand subscribers, a number that has already tripled and continues to rise. «We really wanted to talk about the issue,» says this Argentina based in Barcelona. More information Visco does not appear as a financial or economist expert. He is a training publicist, but learned to manage his money to achieve the long -awaited economic independence that now tries to transmit to other women with a direct language and with a touch of sarcasm. Like one more friend. “I trained in communication and what I do is explain things as I had to learn. I think what works is the tone, which is much more friendly, not as rough as the financial world is usually addressed, which is full of technicalities. It's about not doing silly in the face of inequalities, I am not saying: 'I come to the wonderful world of investment!', But I explain why we do not understand it, because it is a world that was done without us and it is obvious that we It seems very alien. You have to explain all that and start the conversation from there, ”he proposes. Maria Santarelli is one of his subscribers. He is 35 years old and is also Buenos Aires, but lives in Switzerland, where he works as an architect. Thanks to friend! Let's talk about silver has achieved a salary increase. «Going to touch the subject of salary was very, far away in my head,» he explains on the phone. «I felt at a disadvantage, but I did not dare to say anything because it seems that you have to remain silent and spend camouflaged.» It is a problem that many women share, so Visco decided to focus one of their newsletters on the added obstacles with which they leave when daring to negotiate their salaries. For men, this negotiation is comparable to winning a football match, while for women, it resembles a visit to the dentist, according to a study collected in the book Women Don't Ask that Visco shared with his followers. “She proposed to value the differences that I had with respect to others and that he thought about what he contributed, but not in a sense of 'And what can you contribute to the company?', But something really concrete, type: ' Che, what did you contribute last year? ' I realized that the list is quite large and gave me a lot of strength. And not feeling alone also gave me impulse to be able to address this issue, ”says Santarelli. For the architect, having a space where to inform themselves, advise and share experiences about business with other women has marked a before and after. «I feel that I did a click that reached me at 35, a man was born with it,» he says. Visco believes that the main problem is that women have not been raised to talk about this issue – a study by Merrill Lynch reveals that 61% of women prefer to talk about their own death before money. «It seems hostile, aggressive, not very feminine,» he says. To what too many conversations do, according to her, is to talk about men, something that does not consider casual either: “When we get together, almost all our conversations revolve around how the appointment was with such or the problems with your husband, But also because we think that our economic future depends on that, to find another. We were educated thinking that our economy will always depend on another, which will be our salvation, that we cannot. If we dedicated 1% of the time and the energy we dedicate to talking about loves to talk about money, we would be millionaires. of which she sometimes lacks, is how to deal with the issue of money inside the couple, a matter much requested by her followers. «It seems that we will get married and live without talking about the subject and then disasters happen,» he warns. “Although we win more, most women still leave financial decisions in the hands of their partner or father. Yes, we are invoicing, as Shakira says, but once we bill it we do not decide where it is going, ”says the businesswoman, for whom it is alarming that 58% of married women still ask her husband what to do with her money, according to her money, according to Data from the Financial Services Company UBS. From how the Central Bank works to a detailed analysis of what Donald Trump's victory supposes at the global economic level, the issues dealing with the Newsletter address the conversation about money from a gender perspective from a gender perspective , historical and cultural. «They are asking me a lot to talk about investment,» says Visco. In addition to the information that arrives every three weeks to the mail tray of her subscribers, friend! Let's talk about silver also offers talks and training to companies, universities and brands that wish to promote a better relationship between women and money. In addition, it has opened a consulting space to create strategies that integrate financial education with a gender perspective, addressing from salary gaps to salary negotiation classes. «Many girls who used the advice are written and they went well and that is where the project wheel is completed,» says the founder. Visco's approach is clear: «I do not come to give a chair or tell my success story. I want to be that friend with whom to talk about silver in front and without turns, from my experience, with empathy and honesty. ” However, the idea also has critics, in masculine, who do not hesitate to show their disapproval with the project in the publications he shares on Instagram. On January 10, Argentina dedicated an open letter as a answer. «Mr. Machirulo, so that it is clear: nobody wants his job, nobody is behind his salary and, believe me, his approval does not take his sleep away,» he says in a part of the message. “This is not about ruining your life, but about fixing a system that does not work for anyone (even for you). […] Here nobody is going to steal anything, but if you feel that your privileges are trembling … well, maybe it's time to ask why they were so fragile first, ”ditch.