Who is the new Faketoshi Nakamoto, Stephen Mollah?

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Stephen Mollah claimed on October 31, 2024 that he was the man behind Satoshi Nakamoto. For this announcement, Mollah charged $500 per attendee at the press conference. Mollah's statements have been supported by Charles Anderson, who works as his spokesman. Mollah could not prove he had access to Nakamoto's bitcoins, much less the genesis block. Mollah and Anderson are being investigated in a fraud case in Singapore. Stephen Mollah is a British macroeconomist and businessman who has recently gained fame after calling himself Satoshi Nakamoto. Although Mollah claims to be the true creator of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency community has questioned his statements and fueled controversy over who Nakamoto really is. Mollah is now part of a large group of people designated as “faketoshi”, a term used in the bitcoiner community to designate those who have claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto without irrefutable evidence. This list includes controversial personalities such as Craig Wright, who has led a series of defamation lawsuits against public figures in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Stephen Mollah appeared in London in an extravagant outfit to declare to the world that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. Source: Joe Tidy. Wright, like Mollah, has not provided sufficient evidence to credit the title of Satoshi Nakamoto. In this way, they are accused of using the image of the creator of Bitcoin to unduly enrich themselves.

What is Stephen Mollah's educational background?

Mollah claims to be a scholar in politics and economics, having begun his studies in these fields at the prestigious institution Harappan School of Economic Science. This organization is popularly known for its Hindu doctrine and its broad philosophical interest, which complements the content of the classes taught in cities in England, Canada, Venezuela, Spain, Argentina or Greece.

Harappan has been embroiled in controversies over alleged sexual abuse. Source: Philafrenzy. In addition to Harappan, Mollah notes on his LinkedIn profile that he studied law at the University of London and also has knowledge of theology and social sciences. At some point in his academic training he considered the possibility of studying engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, however, he did not follow this path.

How old is Stephen Mollah?

Mollah was born in December 1965. Therefore, he is a 58-year-old man, according to the information he has provided in interviews. Among other professional achievements, Mollah claims that he has carried out theses on international economics and has written manifestos on the digital economy. Despite all these titles, Mollah has not shown certificates or documents that prove that you have carried out these courses.

What experience does Stephen Mollah have in economics and cryptocurrencies?

According to company creation documentation, Mollah would be publicly related to the cryptocurrency ecosystem since 2014. By this year, he would have legally registered a company called Bitcoin Technology Limited where he served as director until its dissolution. Likewise, he would be the creator of other initiatives such as Bitcoin School of Economics and Technology, Blockchain Technology LTD and Blockchain Master Ledger. An interesting characteristic of this handful of companies that has been registered is that some have the names of important market firms, such as Bitcoin Core, Mt.Gox, Coindesk and even Coinbase.

Mollah has registered a company under Bitcoin Core, the name given to the developer team of the main Bitcoin client. Source: GOV.UK. The relationship between Stephen Mollah and the Coinbase exchange is even more fantastic than it seems. The businessman has assured, in front of the British authorities, be the person who registered and created the name “Coinbase”. Likewise, he noted that in 2009 he developed the platform to be able to manage his bitcoins, but that it was later stolen from his possession through a kidnapping that occurred in his home. Although it does not claim that the directors of Coinbase, a company of American origin, are involved after the kidnapping, it does point out that the exchange is misusing intellectual property. These statements are part of documents provided to the UK Company Names Tribunal, after Coinbase reported that Mollah was misusing its brand.

Coinbase accused Stephen Mollah of fraudulent activities. Source: GOV.UK The court, after reviewing the case, urged Stephen Mollah to change the name of his company so that it would not be confused with the Coinbase exchange. A decision that was made based on the fact that Mollah had not been able to provide sufficient evidence to prove his authorship. Already at this time, early 2021, the British businessman claimed to be “Satoshi Nakamoto”, the creator of Bitcoin.

What is the relationship between Stephen Mollah and Bitcoin?

On October 31, 2024, at a famous London club, Stephen Mollah stated that his relationship with Bitcoin was that of a creator. According to his statements, he is the person behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, which he would have used to anonymously launch the white paper and the Bitcoin network.

A paid revelation

The press conference called by Stephen Mollah and his representative, Charles Anderson, had a ticket price of £500. That is, approximately, 600 US dollars to listen to Mollah's statements. Mollah stated that he has been working on Bitcoin since 2007, describing himself as “a monetary scientist.” At first, the British businessman was convinced of launching and managing Bitcoin from anonymity, but by 2016 he already harbored the illusion of being able to present himself to the world as the true creator of the cryptocurrency.

How does Stephen Mollah explain his anonymity all these years?

According to Mollah, although he harbored a desire to show the world that he was the creator of Bitcoin, the time was not right. However, now, due to regulatory pressures, it says it must take responsibility for its creation. He did not carry it out because, according to his story, some people convinced him that it was not the best choice. Likewise, he suffered attacks on his home and repeated hacks on his computer. These events delayed the presentation, although it is worth noting that by 2016 he was already filing patents in his name related to Bitcoin and since 2021 he has been declaring in court that he is the man behind the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. That is to say, it was not a secret, so “secret”.

Stephen Mollah clarifies “not being a Japanese man”, but the creator of Bitcoin on his Linkedin profile. Source: Linkedin. However, beyond his testimony. Does Mollah really have proof of being Satoshi Nakamoto or is this another case like Craig Wright?

What evidence has Stephen Mollah presented to support his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto?

To the regret of those who wish to know who is the man behind the most revolutionary monetary creation of our times, Stephen Mollah has not provided convincing and verifiable evidence of being Satoshi Nakamoto. At the press conference held at the end of 2024, Mollah promised to demonstrate that he had access to the Bitcoin genesis block. However, almost predictably, Mollah's computer either had no Internet connection, was being hacked or was not working properly. All of the previous options prevented the British businessman from being able to give live evidence. For his replacement, Stephen Mollah decided instead to show a series of screenshots of publications made by him supposedly under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. A statement that, according to journalists who were at the event, was easily removable and the screenshots were even of poor quality. When asked to carry out a transaction of the bitcoins related to the Genesis block, Mollah stated that it was a very difficult task. He then increased the tone of his statements, pointing out that he did not have access to those bitcoins. And, finally, he finished by saying that the access key to those bitcoins It was divided into eight parts and distributed in eight different points around the world.. In other words, just as happened with Craig Wright, Mollah has proclaimed himself Satoshi Nakamoto without being able to do the most basic test to prove it. Have access to those bitcoins mined by the creator of the cryptocurrency, which are duly identified.

Who is Charles Anderson and what is his relationship with Stephen Mollah?

This strange episode in the history of Bitcoin and the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto not only stars Stephen Mollah, but also Charles Anderson. He is Mollah's business partner, as well as his public representative. According to Charles Anderson himself, he is an entrepreneur and inventor. For example, he is behind the design of a car that runs on energy that is renewed and never runs out. He also claims to be the creator of the famous television program Britain's Got Talent. However, public sources indicate that the show was created by producer Simone Cowell. Anderson's adventures with Mollah are not recent. According to judicial investigations, the representative and Stephen Mollah are being accused of fraud by claiming to have 165,000 bitcoins in Singaporewhen in fact they were owned by someone else. Among the accusations, the fact that Mollah already claimed to be the real Nakamoto stands out.

What other inventions does Stephen Mollah claim to have created?

Stephen Mollah is not satisfied with just being the creator of Bitcoin, but he has also claimed to be behind the design of the Twitter logo. A statement that can be easily dismissed with a Google search, as this image was created in 2012 by Martin Grasser, Todd Waterbury and Angy Che.

The previous Twitter logo was widely identifiable by its bird shape. Source: Wikipedia. Among another of the great creations that Mollah has allegedly carried out is his alleged involvement in the creation of the artificial intelligence platform ChatGPT. A technology widely recognized as being created by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI whose biography we have covered in our cryptopedias.