Week of contrasts in the Ibex 35: banks fly, renewables collapse

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The new year has arrived in the Spanish selective as 2024 left: with bullish perspectives and with the bank at the top. So, The Ibex 35 closed this week with an advance of 0.59%with everything in its favor for attack, without taking long, the level of 12,153 points, last year's maximum.

For values, the increases these days have been led by the bankwhose business could continue to benefit from forecasts of solid results and generous dividends. Specifically, CaixaBank 8.46% has been scored, also thanks to a favorable Citi reportwhose experts raised their target price on Thursday to 7.80 euros.
Sabadell (+8.29%), BBVA (+6.63%), Bankinter (+6.61%) and Unicaja (+4.77%) have also been located at the top of the index. Likewise, it is worth mentioning the IAG airline group which, after shining in 2024, has closed these days with a notable advance of 4.53%.
Repsol, Amadeus and Indrawith increases of more than 2%, have been other of the most bullish titles of the week. ACCIONA ENERGÍA LEADS THE DECLINES On the contrary, the companies linked to renewable energieswho had a good first week of the year, have returned to their old ways and have led the losses in the Ibex 35 in the weekly calculation. So, Acciona Energía, Acciona and Solaria have ended these sessions with decreases of between 5% and 7%, in a context marked by the US employment strengthwhich could delay the rate reduction process in the country. Likewise, these days have been very unfavorable for Cellnex (-5.52%), Naturgy (-4.24%), Grifols (-3.62%) and Colonial (-3.56%).

Weekly variations Ibex 35