Viscofan ends its buyback program after acquiring 2.10% of its capital

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Viscofan has decided early end the share repurchase program announced in January to meet its flexible dividend programand he does it after acquire 977,838 own shares, representing 2.10% of the share capital of the firm, according to the information sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). Viscofan remembers that the objective of the program was «the acquisition of a sufficient number of own shares to allow the execution of a capital reduction by amortization of own shares in order to avoid the dilutive effects of the capital increase that must be carried out» on the occasion of the flexible dividend. With regard to this dividend, it has reported that The holders of 20,813,713 shares of the company (representing 44.761% of the share capital) have chosen to receive the complementary dividend, so the total gross amount that will be paid on June 24 is 33,218,685.95 euros. The unit figure is 1,596 euros per share. «As a consequence of the above, said shareholders have expressly renounced 20,813,713 free allocation rights and, therefore, the 547,729.289 new shares corresponding to the aforementioned rights,» details the firm. In this way, the definitive number of new ordinary shares of 0.70 euros of unit nominal value that will be issued in the capital increase is 675,954, so the amount is set at 473,167.80 euros. However, Viscofan will carry out a capital reduction through the amortization of 675,954 own shares and for a nominal amount of 473,167.80 euros, Therefore, the capital of the firm will remain unchanged at the figure of 32,550,000 euros.