UOC, UNIR and OBS lead the FSO ranking with the best Spanish-speaking online MBAs

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Eighteen Spanish universities are positioned among the 30 best training centers that offer an online MBA in Spanish, according to the Ranking of Online Higher Education (FSO) carried out, for the ninth consecutive year, by the consulting firm specialized in market studies Hamilton Global Intelligence, in alliance with the Emagister training portal. Thus, the MBAs from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Universidad de la Rioja (UNIR), OBS and ESIC Business School occupy the first four positions in a new edition in which more than 200 universities from Spain, the United States participated United States and Latin America (Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala, Honduras, Guatemala and Puerto Rico). More than 4,000 students and alumni participated in the preparation of the FSO 2023 ranking, a total of 120 indicators were evaluated and the opinion of the academic managers of these programs. The objective? Offer information that allows you to compare the training offered by institutions that teach MBAs. Regarding the rest of the educational institutions, the Centrum PUCP Universities of Peru, UDLAP and TecMilenio of Mexico; EAN and UNAD of Colombia; Inter Metro of Puerto Rico; Westfield State University of the United States; Isthmus of Guatemala and American School of Management of Honduras are among the 30 best rated in America. The majority presence of Spanish centers is due to factors ranging from the training offer to the application of effective methodologies, the quality of teaching and the evaluation positive of the students. “Spain has a long tradition of academic excellence, and many of the first online higher education institutions were started in this country, being pioneers in the development of new ideas and disciplines,” says Sebastián Fernández de Lara, managing partner of Hamilton.

How does an MBA affect my professional career?

Statistics show that the positive effects of an MBA on the professional career of graduates are not long in coming: thus, 92.7% of those surveyed claim to have found a job just five weeks after completing their training, and 89. 1% consider that the program has exceeded their expectations. Three out of every four respondents also claim that their employment situation has improved, starting with the payroll: in Spain, students can achieve a salary increase of up to 33.7% (from 25,085 to 33,145 euros on average) .Ferran Ferrer, CEO of Emagister, explains that master's degrees in Business Administration and Management (ADE) are a lever that allows young people with work experience to take the professional leap they expect: “An MBA is a tool that increases employability and “It exponentially improves the profile of any professional in the labor market.” A simple visit to the Emagister website, he recalls, can be a good step to compare the different offers on the training market and find the one that best suits the needs of each student.The FSO 2023 ranking, in figures.

The FSO ranking, in detail

In this year's ranking, new artificial intelligence tools have been introduced to improve data analysis and integration, as well as to obtain more precise indicators. Natural Language Processing, a branch of AI, has been used to convert qualitative opinions and comments into quantifiable data. Furthermore, the impact of AI is reflected in the evolution of MBA programs that are expected to be more relevant in 2024 For example, the Inesdi institution has entered the FSO Top 30 with a master's degree in AI for business transformation. AI has created new job opportunities for technology professionals, but it is also creating jobs in non-tech areas, such as supporting student learning, business restructuring or improving customer experience. The importance of AI will continue to grow in 2024, by automating repetitive tasks and allowing professionals to focus on strategic activities, improving efficiency and optimizing business processes. The ninth edition of the FSO Ranking also reveals other interesting data, such as the increase in women choosing to study an MBA, which has grown six points since 2018 (reaching 44.9% of the total), and a younger student profile, with an average age of 36.7 years (compared to 39.9 in 2022).

Why choose an online MBA?

The main reasons that lead students to choose distance learning are mostly linked to work-life balance. According to data from the report itself, 70% of students opt for this modality to make studies compatible with work, while 11.4% do so to balance the master's degree with family responsibilities. In terms of evolution, digital education has experienced significant changes in recent years, with programs quickly adapting to the demands of the environment. And online business education also stands out for promoting active student participation, offering updated materials and facilitating global networking, although it faces challenges such as the barrier for those with minimal digital skills and the need for solid discipline on the part of the student. TRAINING THE COUNTRY in x and FacebookSubscribe to the EL PAÍS Training newsletterRecommended training

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