The second dreaded slope of the year is coming, September. This year, The return to school will cost approximately 500 euros. Textbooks, school supplies, uniforms or technology take up the majority of the budget of families with children. How can we ensure that it affects the pocket as little as possible? Although, fortunately, inflation has been contained in 2024, Spanish families continue to face an increase in prices. In particular, textbooks represent the largest outlay, with an approximate average of 300 euros per student. It is followed by school suppliessince between notebooks, pens and other supplies, it can add up to about 100 euros. Behind are uniforms and clothingwhose cost, depending on the center, can range between 100 and 300 euros. Finally, many centers require electronic deviceswhich would already shoot up the budget by having to add, at least, others 200 euros. «This is a significant outlay of money that should be budgeted in advance if possible, but it cannot always be anticipated and sometimes making the numbers add up within the family economy «It can be a real headache,» says Andrea Morales, personal finance expert at the financial comparison site HelpMyCash. According to Javier Cuervo, professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at UNIE University, «it is essential to plan and control expenses during the summer to avoid unpleasant surprises in September. The key is to find a balance between enjoying yourself and maintaining financial discipline. Saving during the summer not only prevents debt, but also lays the foundations for healthy financial management in the long term.» The first thing to do is to plan and control your spending during the summer to avoid unpleasant surprises in September. list with everything you will need. «With the list in hand, we review what we have at home that can be reused and we mark it as an inventory,» they add from the financial comparison site. This exercise, in addition to avoiding buying material that we already have, involves children and teaches them the importance of recycling and also of making a budget. «It is never too early to start with the financial education. Back to school is a good excuse for the little ones in the home to understand how a budget is made, what it is for and how it is executed,» they say. In addition, The budget «must be as close to the reality of the family economy as possible». You should set a limit of money that you are going to use to buy pens, notebooks, pencil cases, backpacks, etc. This allows you to only buy what you need when you go shopping and not fall into last-minute whims that are usually expensive and unnecessary,» they explain. Take advantage of the offers The following advice is: «It is worth taking the time to compare the cost of the material in several establishments», since it will allow you to buy cheaper and your pocket will thank you. It is worth noting that It is not essential to purchase all school supplies at once.An effective strategy is to make purchases in stages, thus distributing the expense over several months. This planning allows for more efficient management of resources, alleviating the financial pressure that usually accompanies the start of the school year. For its part, UNIE University gives several tips to avoid financial problems in the coming months. It involves establishing a budget to avoid getting into debt, looking for offers and discounts or planning back-to-school expenses in advance.
HelpMyCash experts remind that, in addition, to alleviate the financial burden, The Government offers various aids and scholarships which vary according to the educational stage of each student. In addition, in some autonomous communities, they offer aid that is complemented with tax deductions or allowances that are applied to purchases and expenses related to education. The requirements to be able to access these deductions in the Personal Income Tax can be consulted on the Tax Agency website.