Safe road, successful business: 5 definitive tips from the good transporter

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Raw materials, supplies, last mile delivery… Businesses that require cargo transportation in Mexico and the world are currently experiencing one of their most important moments in their history, since the environment of hyperconnectivity, digitalization and international trade has stimulated a dynamic constant commercial activity. According to reports from the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units. (DENUE), cargo transportation in Mexico will register more than 11,873 active economic units, which, although it reflects an important and beneficial productive moment for the businesses of the territory, also represents a notable challenge in terms of safety. From a mechanical mishap, road or minor unforeseen incidents, through major accidents, fraud and even theft with violence, are not only innate incidents of the sector, but in a country like Mexico it is a recurring scenario, which puts merchandise, operational processes in check. and even the entire future of the business and the company. In terms of road transportation, prevention is everything and there is no investment in protection and shielding that is unnecessary, especially now that attacks can come from digital instances or within the corporation. Having a reliable and strategic ally that guarantees commercial transfer must also come accompanied by best practices.Keeping in touch with the company remotely, or being on the GPS radar on winding or dangerous roads can make the difference. Total Protect In accordance with the firm specialized in security and technological solutions in terms of prevention and protection of people, vehicles and Total Protect merchandise, clients who contract monitoring, security, geolocation and tracking services have been able to minimize merchandise losses by up to 98.9%. Road experts recommend five vital tips to avoid any type of accident, including frequent robbery with violence.1. Use technology to your advantage. Belonging to an ecosystem based on the tangible (cargo, transportation, keeping an eye on the road), many times retailers and businesses that use freight transportation consider it unnecessary to include technological innovation in their growth strategy. However, being visible In the digital world, although it has its risks, it is also an almost mandatory tool if you want to be competitive. Keeping in touch with the company remotely, or being on the GPS radar on winding or dangerous roads can make a difference. Experts recommend being close to a reliable company that monitors the units and protects the integrity of the passengers and/or merchandise involved.2. Find yourself before, during and after. Not only the driver, the boss and the clients should know your starting point and destination. Having a team that supports you in advance on the route to take can avoid many setbacks, mishaps and eventualities. Knowing where you are is essential and for this there are devices, services, automated engine stop systems, mirror accounts, alert attention, reports, panic button, among others.3. Design the type of protection you need. Anyone who uses freight transport knows that in terms of safety, what has not happened is about to happen, and that there is no better tool than prevention. However, not everyone needs or can afford private security equipment. From high-precision satellite geolocation, through a comprehensive road safety protocol program, to innovative intelligent anti-assault systems, finding the type of security with which we are going to protect to our staff, goods or services to be marketed guarantees the human and commercial tranquility of the business.Clients who contract monitoring, security, geolocation and tracking services have been able to minimize merchandise losses by up to 98.9%.Clients who contract monitoring, security, geolocation and tracking services have been able to minimize merchandise losses by up to 98.9%.Total Protect4. Monitor in real time. From the guarantee of delivery in a timely manner, through precise and safe monitoring of the route, the stops that are made, to the way in which the final delivery is made and reported, it not only has to do with safety, but with the quality of the service and the very nature of the business. Monitoring inappropriate behavior, optimizing processes, saving resources and audiovisual support in business allegations, theft or legal inconsistencies (think of disputes over policy collections, litigation criminals, etc.)… all of this can be prevented and attacked with highly efficient monitoring.5. Measure the cost benefit. Behind quality monitoring and good practices, as well as a total quality protection service, lies not only robust protection and timely tracking of merchandise, but also growth, competitiveness and the guarantee of good service. ; the professional support on which profits and growth are based. For a global company, losing a unit may not mean much financially, but few corporations risk violating that terrain, little happens and it is a duty to secure merchandise, mobile phones and staff. In small and medium-sized companies, as well as on a personal level, losing the life of a third party or risking the product puts the entire business in check. The good carrier knows that protection must be total.