Artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining the business world. At street level, citizens intuit it, not without certain misgivings: 85.9% of Spaniards consider that they will transform the labor market, 76.7% predicts the disappearance of some jobs and 70% expect the creation of new Posts, according to the Observatory of the Digital Transformation 2024 of the Hostinger company. But this firm, dedicated to improving online presence and providing hosting solutions (web accommodation services), takes advantage of those that consider unquestionable benefits of this technological evolution. According to the regional director of Hostinger for Spain and Italy, Walter Guido, AI allows them to develop business models based on generative tools, simplify processes, automate tasks and optimize resources, which translates into increasing their income. Also those of its customers. The company, which provides services to more than three million people in more than 150 countries, uses this technology to design personalized sites in minutes, without the need for advanced technical knowledge. In large companies, but also in small: «It is possible to save up to 90% of the time in the process, a key resource for those who manage their solo business,» says Guido. In fact, according to data from the firm, more than 80% of the pages created with the Hostinger website have been created with the help of AI.
In the process of design
In addition to configuring the website, the firm uses this new technology in the integration of functions such as SEO, performance analysis or content customization. Although Guido warns that it is «accessible even for beginners,» they contribute on their detailed tutorial platform of the process and accompany their customers as a support. «This approach not only helps companies grow virtually, but also empowers them to understand how to maximize their long -term digital presence,» says the manager.
Why do all businesses need a website?
Configure a quality website provides a relevant competitive advantage. First, because consumption habits are adapted: Spain first exceeded 30 million buyers online in 2023, according to the latest data of the National Observatory of Technology and Society (ONTSI). At the same time, electronic commerce increased to 99.2 billion euros the same year, 16% more than in the previous of the user, improves navigation, load speed and general interaction with the contents ”. These benefits of caring for the digital image are reflected in the Hostinger study: 62.1% of consumers acquire guided products or services on personalized recommendations (generated by algorithms). «An efficient website is not only a showcase, but a strategic growth tool,» Guido insists.The company provides services to more than three million people in more than 150 countries.
An opportunity to highlight
The implementation of AI has marked a before and after many computer processes. And also in the perception of users: 60% of young people between 18 and 25 fear for job stability, according to Hostinger's study. Despite this, they recognize that tools such as the Chatgpt language model can be allied in their professional future and demand more information and regulation about risks.
In addition to configuring the website, the firm uses artificial intelligence in the integration of functions such as SEO, performance analysis or content customization
For Guido, this bum constitutes an opportunity: «AI democratizes those advanced solutions that were only available to large companies with considerable resources.» From their perspective, it allows you to compete from you to entrepreneurs who open an online store or the consultants who need visibility on the Internet with the most consolidated actors. “In a saturated market, this level of leveling the land is what defines the success of small businesses. Employment is no longer a vacuum leap, but a more strategic and accessible process, ”he concludes. DiscountCupon: 10% in hosting plans 12 months or more with the code Elpais.